Sunday, September 4, 2011

Educating Licensing Franchise Business


We are here to propose you a great business opportunity in Bangladesh –with KIDS INVENT, (Education Licensing Franchise business). As we are the license provider of Bangladesh, we hereby attract your attention and consideration with the detail about KIDS INVENT below.    

Kindly find the below detail. It might help you.

 KIDS INVENT is an Education Licensing Franchise business to teach the soft skills of the 21st Century, namely CREATIVITY, INNOVATION and ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Almost all countries in the world are taking steps to educate their people in these skills since that is the way forward. Please go thru our following websites:  1) and 2) which will provide you a glimpse of the programmes and details of Kids Invent. Our Founder of KIDS INVENT Toy Programme is DR ED SOBEY from the Northwest Invention Center, USA.

For your kind information, Malaysia has declared this year as the Year of Innovation and Creativity. The Malaysian Prime Minister has commented that DR ED SOBEY should not just promote the KIDS INVENT programme but should be requested to revise the Country's Education Curriculum and Teaching Methods so that their people can be ready for the global challenges of the future.

The programmes are proven and successfully conducted in USA for many years. It is also a highly profitable business. As a licensee, you earn 80% of the net income. 20% goes to the Master Licensee in Asia.  The licensing fee for a Licensee is USD10, 500 for two years.  You are allowed to use the Logo and the Global Brand Name of KIDS INVENT which is already operational in many countries. But it is just being launched in Asia for the first time. The Main Franchisor and the Master Licensee for Asia will provide the training for your trainers in Singapore and we will also provide all the necessary support for the success of the programmes to be conducted by you.

As a licensee, you are entitled to one center to conduct your programmes. As shown above, you will be entitled to 80% of the net income. It is estimated that the Return on Investments could be approx more than ten times the investment in two years.

The fee to conduct a one day programme is approx USD100 in Singapore.  The fees can be determined by the Licensee in consultation with us depending on the country's economic status and buying power, etc. Training will be provided for the licensees in Singapore. It will be 3-4 days training programme for the trainers. Advanced training in USA is available at your cost, however this is optional.

If you wish, you can conduct the training in your own national language if you think that will suit your students with prior approval from the Master Licensee for Asia. 

21st Century Skills through Kids Invent etc Part 1 of 2

21st Century Skills through Kids Invent etc Part 2 of 2

Refer to above details about ‘KIDS INVENT’ kindly find the below how this business will go and what is the profitability. Let me sum up the whole thing again for your convenience and perusal............

A) Licensing types:

Purchase Franchisee License

 If you purchase "Kids Invent" Franchisee license, you are entitled to run 1 (one) centre anywhere in Bangladesh.
 The Franchisee licensing fee is USD10, 500 for two years.
 As a licensee, you earn 80% of the net income and 20% goes to the Master Licensee in Asia. 

B) Program types:

These programmes can be arranged in different formats like...

1) Whole day program (8 hours in Friday or Saturday)
2) Half day program (4 hours in Friday and Saturday)
3) One month program (2 hours in every week)

C) Programme Fee:

 The fees to conduct the above any types of programme is approx Tk. 5,000 each student. This fee can be determined by the Licensee in consultation with Kids Invent depending on the country's economic status and buying power, etc.

D) Training:

The Main Franchiser and the Master Licensee for Asia will provide the training in Singapore in English.
 The Licensees could then translate the material in Dhaka Language with the necessary approval from the Master Licensee/Master Franchisor. It will be 3-4 days training programme for the trainers.
 Advanced training in USA is available at your cost, however this is optional.

E) Other support:

 The Main Franchiser and the Master Licensee will also provide all the necessary support for the success of the programmes to be conducted by you.
If you wish, you can conduct the training in our own national language if you think that will suit your students with prior approval from the Master Licensee for Asia.

F) Income/ Profit:

It is estimated that the Return on Investments is very high. Kindly see the below sample monthly calculation:

  1. If you conduct a Whole Day program (8 hours in Friday or Saturday) with 20 students
5,000 Tk. x 20 students x 4 batch = Tk. 400,000 (four lakh)

  1. If you conduct a Half Day program (4 hours in Friday and Saturday) with 20 students
5,000 Tk. x 20 students x 2 batch = Tk. 200,000 (two lakh)

  1. If you conduct One Month program (2 hours in every week) with 20 students
5,000 Tk. x 20 students x 1 batch = Tk. 100,000 (one lakh)

You can see from the above calculation that if you run only 3 programmes monthly you can earn even Tk. 700,000 (seven lakh) per month. This clearly shows the high profitability of this business.

G) Franchisee Selection:

There will be an interview for aspiring Master Partners/Licensees on Skype or through chat/phone by the Asian Master Licensee. 

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